When I put together my instructional DVD set, Natural Dog Training: The Fundamentals, my goal was to make them as complete as possible, so that you could make significant progress with your dog simply by following along.
Well, the other day I was sitting there watching the videos, and it occurred to me that even though they are complete in and of themselves, there is still more information that I could add - extra hints and modifications, or even just pointing out things that I'm doing that you might not otherwise have noticed. What I'd love to do is be able to send this tips to you so that you can get the most out of your DVD set.
Please sign up using the form below. While all that's required is your name and e-mail address, I would love to hear more from you about your experience with the DVDs. What would you like to tell me? What do you think other people should know about the DVD set? The more detailed you can be the better, as it will help guide me in future offerings here on the Natural Dog Blog.
Once you've signed up, please be on the lookout for your confirmation e-mail. If you don't see that e-mail come through, check your spam filter. I promise that I won't spam you, of course - but your spam filter might not understand that at the beginning!
Thanks again for your interest in Natural Dog Training, and I look forward to being able to help you even more.