I'm midway through the article on answering our dogs' second most important question:  Where is the Danger?  In the meantime, it occured to me that many of you who have been working on Natural Dog Training techniques might have some pretty cool stories about how Natural Dog Training is affecting your relationship with your dog, and your dog's relationship with the world.  Would you like to share those stories with the rest of the NaturalDogBlog community?

Submit your personal stories to me using my e-mail address:  neil at naturaldogblog dot com.  Let me know whether you want to remain anonymous (or what portion of your name you'd like me to use).  So many of you have been sharing your thoughts with me privately that I thought the community at large could really benefit from hearing your story.  They can be "big thoughts" or little vignettes.  It'll be a great way for others to hear how you're implementing the techniques, and what kinds of changes in behavior you've seen.  I look forward to hearing from you.