Natural Dog Training eBook in its Formative Stages

When I get feedback here at the NaturalDogBlog, it tends to be either of the "hey I'm so glad I found this site" variety or the "hey I'm so glad I found this site AND I have a question for you" variety.  Occasionally I do get what you might term "criticism" - rarely...

All About Dog Training Blog Carnival: 4th edition

Welcome to the 4th edition of the all about dog training blog carnival.  I'm not sure how many more of these carnivals I'm going to host, so let me know if you're finding these useful, or if you'd just rather hear more Natural Dog Training info.  After weeding out...

Dog Training: Crate Training Your Dog

While crate training isn't a "natural dog training" technique, per se, it is a technique that I often recommend to clients, so I wanted to spend a few moments discussing it here on the blog.  Using a crate is handy for helping you and your dog with housebreaking,...