Rescue Remedy is Worth a Shot

I know this is a blog about natural dog training, but I have to tell you about the effect that using Rescue Remedy (one of the Bach flower essences) has had on my cat, Violet.  For most of her life, Violet's first name could have been "Shrinking" - she has lived her...

Learning The Basics and More Updates

If you received this post via your feedreader, you got a sneak preview of the "learning the basics" page, which I recently completed - you can see it if you click on the "learn the basics" link above.  You might also notice that the homepage ( is...

Unveiling the new Natural Dog Blog

If you're returning to the NaturalDogBlog, you probably notice that something looks a little different.  That's right, a new design for the site is finally here!  Now if you've clicked around at all, you probably figured out that there are a lot of links that don't...